Top Questions to Ask When Hiring or Re-Evaluating Your Ad Agency or Marketing Consultant

These questions are based on insights I gathered from posts by entrepreneurs on top subreddits.

Resource Allocation

Questions: How do you determine which team members will be working on my account? Will I be paying for any resources or team members who are not directly involved in my project?

Overhead Costs

Questions: What portion of the fees goes towards overhead costs versus direct project work?

Strategy and Understanding

Questions: How will you develop a marketing strategy tailored to our specific business goals and target audience? Can you provide examples of how you’ve successfully addressed challenges similar to ours in the past?


Questions: Can you share case studies or success stories from clients in our industry or with similar challenges? What specific skills and expertise do you bring that differentiate you from others?

Project Management

Questions: How will our project be managed, and who will be our primary point of contact? What is your process for ensuring timely delivery and quality of work?

Transparency and Communication

Questions: How frequently will we receive updates and reports on the progress of our campaigns? How do you handle communication and feedback throughout the project?

Customization and Flexibility

Questions: How do you tailor your services to meet the unique needs of each client? Are you able to scale your services up or down based on our changing needs and budget?

Performance Metrics and ROI

Questions: What key performance indicators (KPIs) do you use to measure the success of your campaigns? How do you track and report ROI, and what kind of results can we realistically expect?

Budget and Costs

Questions: Can you provide a detailed breakdown of your pricing and what is included in your services? How do you ensure that our budget is used efficiently to maximize impact?

Technical Capabilities

Questions: What tools and technologies do you use to enhance the marketing and track performance?

Client Collaboration

Questions: How do you ensure that we are involved in the creative process and that our vision is accurately represented? After the campaign is live, what kind of ongoing support and optimization do you provide?

Complimentary Strategy Session

When deciding to hire an ad agency or marketing consultant, take your time and do your research. We offer a complimentary 30-minute strategy session to discuss your goals and share strategies and insights tailored to your industry and business.

Schedule a Strategy Session